Beeston Camera Club

We meet each week at 7:30pm, from the first Thursday in September to the last Thursday in April, at Beeston Old Town Hall, now the Redeemer Church, 29 Foster Avenue, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1AE. See the About Us page for more details on how to get there.

Members use both digital cameras and smart phones. We cater for a full range of photographers, from absolute beginners to professionals. We have talks, competitions and open nights.

Coming up …..  Talks, competitions, open nights. Our next meeting is —–

The journey continues by Paul Hassell FRPS MPAGB

Thursday, 20-February-2025

Paul gave us an extremely well received presentation last season with his superb.... More>

You can try us out as a visitor for £5 and pay pro rata on the Annual Membership depending when you join with previous visitor fees taken into account.

If you just want to watch a speaker for one night it’s helpful to let us know in advance, but you can usually just turn up on the night, subject to space in the room.

Programme  2024-2025

We offer both a mixture of speaker nights, club competitions and open evenings.

The full programme for the 2024-25 season is available here (note that the event list can be more up-to-date than the full programme).

First time Visitor – We are here to help improve your photography

Come along and try a session to see how it all works. At the club we believe that the best way to be judged is in relation to everyone else so we do not have a separate beginners section but at the end of the season, an award is given to the best beginner of the season. If you are unsure about entering your work in competition with other members then do not be afraid of asking for advice or bring your work along on a club night.

See some Frequently Asked Questions  (FAQS)

Thinking of joining

Competitions – See if you are improving 

During the season, the club runs various competitions on a monthly basis which give members an opportunity to see their work compared to that of fellow members by an outside independent judge who gives each image a mark out of 20.

There are 4 categories, monochrome and  colour print, mono and colour projected digital image (PDI). Members are allowed 1 entry in each category. There are 6 competitions and one themed competition. Scoring uses the best 4 of the competitions plus the theme so the total is out of 100.

Awards are given to winners in each category. Additionally the President has the option of awarding at their discretion a Best Beginner and Best All-rounder.

There is also the Best of Beeston competition when members choose 4 out of 6 categories to enter digital images.

Finally there is the Hilda Thurman competition when the audience are the judges and vote for their favourite picture from those submitted by the members.

The results and winning images can be found under the Competitions section.

Unless otherwise stated, all images on this website are copyright their respective creators.