- Competitions are only open to fully paid up members of the club.
- The Competition Secretary has the right to refuse late entries.
- In any of the themed competitions, points will be deducted from any image which the judge considers not to conform to the theme.
Prints and Projected Digital Images (PDI)
- In internal competitions (including Best of Beeston and the Hilda Thurman Competition), images can only be entered once as a PDI and once as a print and this must be in separate seasons. This does not apply to inter-club competitions or the annual club exhibition.
- There are six open competitions and a final 7th competition with a theme. Each has these 4 categories:
- Monochrome Prints
- Colour Prints
- Monochrome PDI
- Colour PDI.
- You may enter a maximum of one image in each category for each competition evening, with each category being judged separately. The same image may not be entered as a print and as a digital image in the same season. (See 1 Above).
- Marks for each competition entry will be awarded out of 20. Only your best four marks in each category, plus the themed competition mark, will be counted towards your overall score, so that the maximum overall score will be 100. If you do not enter the themed competition only your best four scores will count.
- All prints must be mounted with a mount size of 50 x 40cm. Prints submitted in any other mount size will be rejected on the night. A digital copy of the print must also be submitted. (See 8).
- For prints, the title and the entrant’s name must be clearly marked on the back of the mount.
- All digital images must be in JPEG format and should be at a maximum size of 1600 x 1200 pixels. The height of any digital image must not exceed 1200 pixels.
- A digital copy of the prints plus the PDI entries must be entered through our website Full instructions will be issued to members.
- The digital copy of the prints plus the PDIs must be with the Competition Secretary no later than the Monday midnight prior to the competition.
Best of Beeston Competition Rules
Please note that this is nothing to do with taking pictures of Beeston.
- This Competition is restricted to digital images only which must (a) have been taken during the last 12 months (b) and not been entered in any of the other monthly club competitions including The Hilda Thurman Competition. (But they may be entered in the Annual Club Exhibition.)
- There are six categories each year which will normally be announced at the AGM and which will appear in the Club Programme.
- Members may submit one image in any four out of the six categories.
- Each category is judged separately and individual entries marked out of 20. The winner will be the entrant with the highest aggregate score (out of 80).
- All digital images must be in JPEG format and should be at a maximum size of 1600 pixels wide x 1200 high. The height of any digital image must not exceed 1200 pixels.
- All entries must be made through the website, Full instructions are issued to members.
- Titles and digital images should be with the Competition Secretary on the club night one week before the competition but certainly no later than midnight on the Monday prior to the competition.
Hilda Thurman Competition Rules
This is a print-only competition which is judged by the audience on the night.
If you do not have access to a printer, arrangements can be made to produce a print for you if you contact the competition secretary on the usual email. Or speak to a member of the Committee at a club evening. Prints should be brought on the night. They will be placed on tables around the room so that members can study them and vote for their favourites.
- The entry must not have been entered in any other competition during the season.
- The image should have been taken during the past 12 months.
- Composites are not accepted.
- The image should be a “traditional photograph.” For the purposes of clarity we are using the following definition: FIAP Definition of Traditional Photography: A traditional photograph must maintain the original image content with minimal adjustments, which should not alter the reality of the scene and should appear natural. Rearranging, replacing, adding to or removing from any part of the image except by cropping is strictly forbidden. After satisfying the above requirements, every effort should be made to use the highest level of artistic skill in all photographs.
- It is also requested that no in-camera techniques be applied to the image.
- The image should be submitted as an A4 unmounted print with the title on the reverse. (Block capitals please).
- The title should be sent to by midnight on the Monday prior to the competition.
Please address any queries regarding these rules to The Competition Secretary at