Beeston Camera Club is pleased to announce that we had 56 acceptances in the 2022 North and East Midlands Photographic Federation Exhibition.
The two best pieces of news are that Gillian Young ‘s Colour Print Overhead Reach was adjudged to be the Best Colour Print in the whole Exhibition whilst Paul Screen’s Nature Print Feeding Green Woodpeckers was adjudged to be the Best Nature Print in the whole Exhibition. Very many congratulations to Paul and Gillian.
Paul also received a Selector’s Award for his Nature PDI Little Owl and Mealworm as well as a Highly Commended for his Colour PDI Crashing Through and a Commended for his Nature PDI Kingfisher Fishing In The Rain. Gillian was Commended for her Colour PDI Shingo Kunieda. Several other members also received Commended awards. Trevor Lane received three in total – for his NaturePDI Juvenile Kestrel Calling For Food, Nature Prints Cuckoos Mating and Kestrel Feeding Time. Derek Martin was Commended for his Nature Print Marbled White On Pyramidal Orchid and Vin Scothern for his Nature Print Stathophaga Stercoria.